Hello. I am Karl Hendrikse (not the amateur cyclist from Wisconsin; the other one).
I am a 29-year-old software engineer, currently working at Serato in Auckland. I previously worked at Google in Sydney;
before that I worked at Navman Technology in Auckland; before
that I was doing a computer science degree at The University of Waikato.
I apologise for the picture of me over there, but it was the most serious photo of me I could find.
I am interested in making video games, and money. It appears the two are not as closely correlated as one might hope.
The projects page has a few things I've worked
on in the past.
Strangely enough, I (almost) have some other interests besides programming and video games. I guess you
could say I'm interested in photography (well, I take lots of silly photos),
music (both listening to and attempting to create) and attempting to jump over/onto/between objects.
That is actually a sad list of interests. Um. I own a bike.